Senior Silvana Crespo has achieved honors as a National Merit Scholar Semifinalist at Divine Savior Academy, one of two students chosen in the city of Doral.
The announcement was made Sept. 20 following the news that Crespo had also received the 2013-2014 National Hispanic Scholar Award. Students, faculty, and parents, Claudia and Eugenio Crespo, were in attendance for the announcement after DSA’s morning chapel service.
Silvana has been involved in National Honor Society, Student Council, Leadership Club, and earned a place on DSA’s tennis team. She is currently in the process of applying to colleges and universities, with her sights set on Columbia.
“I want to go to a school where I can attain the best education possible in order to serve others,” Crespo stated. “I’m thankful to Pastor Carlos, Principal Troge, the entire DSA faculty, my parents, sister, and, most importantly, God.”
The prestigious National Merit Scholar semifinal award is made annually to about 16,000 students nationwide from a pool of more than two million candidates. Semifinalists become finalists by completing several requirements, including maintaining a very high academic record, writing an essay, and earning a high score on the SAT. Finalists are announced in early February, and from this pool of finalists about 8,000 are chosen to receive a National Merit Scholarship.
Divine Savior Academy has approximately 550 students enrolled in Pre-K3 through twelfth grade and is celebrating its tenth anniversary this year while doubling its campus size with a stand-alone high school building and grounds.
For information about National Merit Scholarship Corporation, visit www.nationalmerit.org. For information about Divine Savior Academy, contact the school office at 305- 597-4545 or visit www.divinesavioracademy.com