Aventura Community Green Garden set to open

The City ofAventura announced the opening of the new Aventura Community Green Garden at Founders Park south on Monday April 5, 2014. This new project features the opportunity for residents to grow vegetables, flowers, herbs, and other plants in their own 4’ x 12’ garden section.

The City is now accepting Green Garden membership and garden section rental fees, which are $100 per year and membership in the Garden Club is $10 per year. Garden sections will be assigned in the order that applications and the required fees are received.

The Community Green Garden will feature garden sections filled with sterilized topsoil that will be fenced off and gated. Two hose bibs will be available for hand watering purposes.

The Garden hours will be 8 AM – 8 PM during the summer and 8AM – 6 PM during the winter months.

For more information, visit cityofaventura. com for the Community Green Garden Club Rules and Application, or call 305- 466-8008 for more information. Applications are also available at all City parks and the Community Recreation Center.

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