After a long hiatus, the Bush Chapter of The Woman’s Cancer Association resurrected its annual Kentucky Derby Party chaired by Judy Ashworth. Judy and her many volunteers orchestrated a party that had something for everyone at the Coral Gables/ South Miami Elks Club Dottie’s Derby Day. Mint Juleps, dinner buffet, themed decorated desserts, live broadcast for race with betting chances, raffle for numerous prizes, jewelry sales from the Bargain Box, music by one man band Zibby G, and dancing. By the way, Eleanor Zahner cuts quite a rug.
The program and races were emceed by Bobby Buchwald who announced the winners of the many prizes donated thanking Snow’s for their $250 gift certificate, Blanche Brownell for her $200 gift basket, Mary Nolan for her $150 money tree, Judy Ashworth for her $50 money tree and so many more. Chapter President Ruth Jacobs was also on hand to welcome guests and encourage sales with her winning smile and awesome personality. Among the many attending the event were Former Mayor Dorothy and Jack Thomson, Hank Langston, Connie and Tim Crowther, and Evelyn Budde, to mention a very few.
Gables Rotarians also celebrated Kentucky Derby for charity the week before the Derby with Bacardi on board with signature drinks, a great dinner, silent auction, casino night and horse racing at the Courtyard Marriott in the Gables. The event served to raised funds for NPH USA’s orphanage in Haiti and was great fun. President Elect-Elect Greg Martini chaired the event with the help of several Gables Rotarians and sponsors. For those who missed this event and want to support this amazing charity, on May 20th, NPH USA will be holding a fabulous lunch with Michelle Bernstein at the Coral Gables Country Club. Tickets are $75 per person on $700 for a table of ten. For more information, call Kristy Fueyo at 305 495-8620.
In other news, the Junior Orange Bowl will hold its annual Royal Court Ball on May 10th, 7 p.m., at The Biltmore Hotel. Honoring the JOBC’s Royal Court for the coming year, the event will be the first of many for Queen Camila, Princess Skyler, Princess Alexis, and Little Sister Celine who will be ambassadors at all of the numerous JOBC events and functions throughout the year. Everyone’s families and friends are all invited to attend this Jr. Orange Bowl celebration. To purchase tickets go to Tickets are $50 per person and include hors d’oeuvres, music and dancing.
In other related news, the Jr. Orange Bowl will be unveiling its parade theme on May 20th, 6 pm at the Merrick House. For more information, call 305 662-1210.
Finally, congratulations to the members of the GFWC Coral Gables Woman’s Club, many of whom live in the South Miami vicinity. The Club recently returned from the Florida Federation of Women’s Club convention in Orlando where the club picked up several awards include the big one, state Club of the Year, for the second year in a row in their category. In addition, CGWC member Debi Moore won the General Federation of Women’s Club Lead Candidate of the Year Award for the State and will be attending the International General Federation of Women’s Club convention in Arizona later this year. Among those attending the convention and collecting several other department awards for the club were CGWC President Mireya Kilmon, President Elect Mayra Dominguez, Past Presidents Linda Hartwell, Claire Frances Whitehurst and Barbara Lapsley, to mention a few.
Until next time, keep making each day count.
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