Local Firm “Perform” Helps Athletes and Young People Overcome Mental Obstacles that Affect Performance

perform miamiSports are a great outlet for boys and girls of all ages and abilities. Both in school and in club and recreational leagues. Sports teach discipline, create a strong work ethic, and the physical training enables athletes to be in shape. In addition, there are many lessons learned through teamwork and competition. These are just a few of many positives about sports.

However, what people don’t talk about and what athletes aren’t protected from are the road blocks and obstacles that create anxieties, negative self-esteem, withdrawal, suffering of school work, emotional insecurities, and a breakdown in personal relationships. The very things that make sports great can actually internally create negatives and be harmful in young men or women’s balanced maturity. The discipline and training, the pressure and competition can lead to a great deal of internal strife in every aspect of the athlete’s life. Everything from high anxiety to fears of failure, to actual anxiety attacks, lack of confidence, loss of fun in the game, perfectionism, loss of motivation, lack of drive, depression and even eating disorders. Many athletes are told to work harder, push harder, get through it when in reality that push through, work harder attitude is causing the underlying issues and the symptoms to get worse. We see it all the time, an athlete’s game is suffering so he or she trains harder only to lead to more problems with performance. On the other end of the spectrum, some athletes lose motivation and have no desire to work hard at all. This usually stems from the fact that the underlying issues and negative self talk haven’t been dealt with. We help athletes to understand the reasons behind their symptoms and why performance is suffering. To help the young athlete see clearer and develop a better way of training and coping skills. Once we have awareness we can do something about it. Knowledge is power, understanding how the mind and body work gives an edge to the athlete.

All athletes deal with pressure. Pressure builds as athletes get better, advance in competition and get older. Athletes often lose the fun of the game as things become more serious and external pressures are put forth towards winning and not the process of day to day improvement. With this often comes anxiety, internal thoughts of low self-esteem that one hides, sometimes even a loss of motivation. There is often a fear of failure blocking a young athlete’s positive outlook not only in the sport but about life. At Perform we can help the athlete learn about his or her own process and to be restored to a more positive path in their performance on and off the field.

What happens in sport usually parallels an athlete’s daily life. Whether it’s an inability to be open and share internal thoughts, a lack of confidence, low self-worth, strong negative self-talk, a perfectionistic attitude which leads to an inability to deal with mistakes, these are all things that happen in life and in sport. We can help both the athlete and student of all ages along with the parents and family in the entire process. It’s a fascinating journey to see and we are very confident of positive results for the athletes and their families.

The work we do is not overly complicated. We are all in different stages of our growth; we meet clients where they are in their lives. One person might want to improve his/her mental attitude but not work on anything else. Another person might want to change his/her self talk to improve confidence not just during performance but in life as well. Others want to work on relationships that are affecting performance. A lot of young people are affected by what’s going on at home, maybe he or she feels pressure from his or her parents which we can work on and even do family sessions. Another person might have a relationship with a boyfriend or girlfriend that is affecting performance. Learning how to deal with these relationships and coping emotionally is not only helpful for performance in the present moment but also helps with relationships in the future.

Each person is unique. All people have a different story, a multitude of things that drive them, motivate them and keep them going each day. We want to know what those things are and to help you or your children not just perform better but live a better life in all ways. For more information visit www.meperform.com. Contact Courtney today at info@meperform.com. Or call 281-799-0566.

PERFORM helps athletes and people of all walks of life overcome the mental blocks that affect performance. PERFORM is based out of Miami, FL and works in-person with those in the Miami and South Florida area at the Coral Gables Counseling Center and does sessions with those outside the area via Skype, telephone, email and/or other technological means necessary to communicate. You will get personalized, one-on-one attention tailored to help you reach your goals. The fact is that even the greatest athletes in the world struggle with their mental game from time to time; so know that you are not alone. Everyone can benefit from improving their mental approach! We bring out the absolute best in you!

Courtney Pastner has an expertise in working with athletes to give them a mental edge in their performance. Courtney has a Master’s Degree in Counseling and Educational Psychology and a Bachelor’s Degree in Kinesiology. She is an accomplished athlete who has spent a lifetime mastering her craft. Now, the drive and determination that led her to earning the Texas Gatorade Player of the Year award in basketball is the very same drive and determination that she invests in those with whom she works. What sets Courtney apart from most is her energy and enthusiasm for life, her passion for helping others, and her experiences along the way. Courtney has a unique gift to work with young men and women of all ages, all grades and all competitive levels. She has helped countless others by dedicating herself to bringing clarity to the innumerable mental obstacles that can inhibit performance. Whether she is helping others perform better in sport or life, Courtney Pastner undeniably brings the Mental Edge!

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