Levine-Cava, MacDougall get Kendall PAC support

Five newcomers among six candidates seeking public offices on the Aug. 26 primary ballot have been endorsed by the Kendall Federation Political Action Committee, according to results made public July 31.

PAC members chose first-time candidate Daniella Levine-Cava over incumbent Miami-Dade District 8 Commissioner Lynda Bell in what has become one of the most heated countywide races in recent years.

In District 10, the PAC chose not to endorse either incumbent Javier D. Souto or Marina Meadows who is running on a campaign to choose a newcomer.

In three other races:

Cutler Bay Mayor Ed MacDougall, first time candidate, got the PAC’s only endorsement among a field of five candidates for U.S. House District 26 which includes former Miami-Dade Commissioner District 10 (Kendall) Joe Martinez and Carlos Curbelo, a Miami-Dade School Board member representing part of Kendall;

Lawrence “Larry” Orihuela, long-time Miami-Dade educator, in his first candidacy for public office, was picked over Marta Perez, current school board member who has represented District 8 for 16 years;

Newcomer teacher Jose Soto was selected over incumbent Patricia “Shannen” Davis, a former chair, for the Community Council 11 At-Large post representing all district sub areas.

No endorsements were given for two other Community Council 11 seats, both of which have three newcomer candidates in Sub Areas 112 and 114.

The PAC co-endorsed former Magistrate Pedro J. Garcia and real estate consultant Carlos Gobel, first-time candidate, among five seeking the Miami-Dade Property Appraiser post. Only Garcia lost a previous election for the position.

The endorsements followed candidate appearances during three public forums, sponsored by the Kendall Federation of Homeowners Association during July.

The Kendall Federation Political Action Committee is a separate organization independent of association with KFHA, according to its chair, Marvin P. Stein.

Specific votes or comments are not disclosed about the PAC members voting or reasons for endorsement selections.

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