The Coral Gables Bar Association will conduct its Annual Installation Party on Saturday, Sept. 27, from 6 to 10 p.m., at the Venetian Pool, 2701 De Soto Blvd. in Coral Gables.
The Coral Gables Bar Association will hold a cocktail reception and install its new officers and directors. Guests will enjoy an evening at the Venetian Pool, where cocktails, hors d’oeuvres and dinner will be provided. Attire is tropical-chic.
Ticket prices are (prior to Sept. 15): Individual Member Tickets, $75 per person, and sitting judges and their spouses, $50 per person; (after Sept. 15) all tickets, $100 per person.
For information regarding tickets or sponsorships, visit or contact Blake Sando at 305-350-5370 or by email at