Honest Talk is a new panel discussion series about mental illness designed to share information regarding how we define it, with a focus on understanding related issues and reducing the stigma. The program brings together leading medical professionals, community activists and cutting- edge researchers to address many issues — including various spectrums of mental illness, methods of diagnosis, effective treatment options, traditional therapies, alternative therapies — and will share some of the resources available in Miami.
Mental illness, in a variety of forms, impacts us all. We read news media stories about drug abuse and suicides among wellknown people, yet we don’t understand how and why this happens so often. Over 25 percent of us will experience a significant mental health challenge; so many families have to deal with this.
There are many care options available; however, knowing how to identify a specific mental health issue, who to turn to and how to manage options for care and assess results can be a daunting process. Our health care system offers limited information and resources can be confusing. Our Care for the Soul panelists will help clarify some of the options when a loved one is coping with mental illness.
This program is designed for adults. It is for parents, teachers and caregivers. It is for friends, relatives and co-workers; for anyone who wonders if any of their thoughts or actions are something to be concerned about. It is for all of us, as we can all make a difference in the lives of others.
As members of a caring community, we have an obligation to learn and understand these issues, and many more. This is an opportunity to support and help each other to identify the services that will make us a healthier, more effective society. The goal is to educate and provide a forum for supportive engagement where needed. If we can open the doors of discussion about mental illness, we can all play a role in creating a strong and healthy community.
Care for the Soul is sponsored by the Sisterhood and Programming departments at Temple Beth Am. It takes place Wednesday evenings in November and December from 7-9 p.m.: Nov. 5, Nov. 12, Dec. 3 and Dec. 10th. All programs will take place at Temple Beth Am, 5950 N.
Kendall Dr., and are open to the entire community. More information is available at www.tbam.org/mentalhealth.
For more information, call 305-667- 6667.