Your local connection starts here!
Reach Miami-Dade’s most affluent, educated and locally connected consumers.
Our twelve newspapers connect local merchants and businessmen with readership families whose buying power rings up a median income 51% higher than the county average.
The constantly updated website is a powerful place to continue the connection on any device. Each form of “gathering”; in print and online, in your hand or at your desk resonates differently. Use all of them for maximum impact.
Harness the communication power of email. 95,000 people subscribe to our weekly Newsletter to stay up to date on community based news and events. Add the Newsletter to your marketing campaign for better results.
Social Media
Our need to connect is the same as it ever was. Thanks to social media the way we do it is more varied and inclusive than ever before. At CN, we share our presence on Twitter and FB with our clients. Come along for the ride.
Perhaps you’d like to talk to a pro?
Or give us a call. (305) 669 7030