CasaCuba finally opens

When Casa Larios closed in January, it began a long wait for a much-anticipated reopening as CasaCuba for its faithful customers, waiting to be welcomed back home again.

Put aside the memorable “Arroz con Pollo” that has assuaged our appetite for so many years. Wasn’t it always the great camaraderie and festive atmosphere that made ‘the Casa’ such a wonderful place to go? That alone led many to wonder how they survive all the lean months without an in-town fun place for both food and frolic. Now, once again, espresso and pastelitos are charging us up in the am and luscious Cuban sandwiches take care of lunch. Of course, the sumptuous dinner menu is back with a couple of Mojitos to bring in the holiday cheer. So, stop by, sit or stand for a spell and enjoy.

BTW: I’m pretty darn glad it’s open and I’m sure the crowds will be hearing “mi casa es su casa” at Casa Cuba on SW 73 St., located just across the street from Winn-Dixie, next door to our good friends at Khoury’s Lebanese Restaurant whenever a change of palate pace is needed.

Our county commission recently voted 12-0 (with one absent) that said “NO” to a shopping center in Horse Country where the Miller family has made a home ‘yay these many years.’ The project at SW 127 Ave. and SW56 St. would have shot a hole in the county’s Comprehensive Development Master Plan (CDMP), designed to protect existing neighborhoods from unwarranted development raids. Thankfully, the commissioners saw little need to disrupt the placid and picturesque scene Horse Country uniquely lends not only to Miami-Dade County but all of South Florida.

Even South Miami Commissioner Robert “Bob” Welsh came galloping in on his white horse to join a Bird Kendall Homeowners Association posse Nov. 18, colorfully spending his two minutes explaining why Horse Country should have “shopping centers for horses, not for people.” Well-perceived by all, his tongue-in-cheek commentary brought smiles to commissioners, the opposition and even those supporting the proposed strip mall… thanks Bob.

As president of the Bird Kendall Homeowners’Association, which opposed the application, I would like to publicly thank each commissioner for their support while singling out District 10 Javier Souto who went to the trouble to mail ballots to his constituents to get a true picture of how those residents felt. Commissioner Souto has always held fast to his beliefs, passion and commitment to help preserve Horse Country and deserves respect and admiration for a job well done.

Back in South Miami, the folks who bought the property at the corner of SW 62 Ave. and Sunset Dr. got the city’s nod to build an attractive professional center, five stories high, planned largely for doctors and others compatible with the medical profession. Just makes me wonder if Baptist Health brass is still scratching its collective heads over this turn of events since the company owns properties on either side of the project.How Baptist could let this slip through its fingers causes me to guess that the medical giant may still be in the picture, somewhere. They’re not used to losing and as the old saying goes, “money talks and b**** walks.” So, let’s wait and see what happens, even as the building gets underway.

Our South Miami city election in February is just around the corner and as far as this eye can see, there just ain’t anyone out there who can knock off “Mayor Phil” and it’s equally unlikely that Commissioners Josh or Bob will have any real competition for their seats. (Darn it, say many).

The good news to come out of this: Josh will probably lose the post of vice mayor to someone else. So, folks, are you ready for this? We just might hear you say, “Good morning, Vice Mayor Welsh!”

Lottsa real estate action along the west side of SW62 Ave. between Sunset Dr. and SW 64 St.Gallons of new paint being applied and landscaping going in all over the neighborhood as older homes are rehabbed and vacant lots sold for new homes to be built in the future. And, yes, the recent real estate boom has been good for the entire area that lies immediately west of Community Newspapers offices.

Got any tips? Contact me at 305-669- 7355, ext. 249, or send emails to

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