Is High Pines going to be apart of Coral Gables?

Michael Miller, Publisher
Michael Miller, Publisher

It appears that High Pines, which is now in Miami-Dade County, may become part of a city and it ain’t going to be in South Miami. High Pines is right across from South Miami, but just might be going over to Coral Gables. Yes indeed. The area, plus a bit more, is currently bound on the east side of SW 57 Ave to SW 47 Ave and from Sunset Drive to Kendall Drive. This is a great move for the city ,and hopefully a super move for the folks that live in the area. By the way, the conversation about annexation of this this area has been going on for years and years. In fact, the City of South Miami was actually one of the suitors, but didn’t make the cut a while back.

Speaking of 57th Ave and Sunset, van you guess which building is due for an upgrade and redo.Yup, some folks in the know tell me that the CVS on the SE corner of Sunset Drive is going to be beautiful once it’s completed. This remodel should be a great addition to the area. Wait, wait, there’s more… as many of you may know, Hank and Harry’s on SW 73 St and US1 closed up a few months ago after being open for what seems to have been less than 6 months. The deli had a neighbor next door called American Harvest, and guess what? That closed up as well. However don’t fret too much, as another themed eatery is set to open up there soon.

There is more good news for SW 73 Street. The Boiling Crab, located in the city parking garage, is about to open up its doors, and right next door is Kamps Fitness, a personal training gym and boot camp is already up and at ‘em. Its quite a duo to have in the city and I’m looking forward to seeing how the businesses grow in the coming months.

In more South Miami news, I hear that there are some drawings floating around that display a NEW and improved building where the 73rd Street Winn Dixie is currently located. This said building in the drawing would be 5-6 stories (maybe more, maybe less) and would be a mixture of living units, offices and more, PLUS a brand new Winn Dixie on the bottom floor. This reimagined South Miami building is still years away, but  its nice to see some new things are being considered for the area.

Ok, on to politics! In some 15 months, the city will have a new mayor. Yup, Mayor Phil Stoddard, who has been serving the city for at least 10 years is finally being “termed out,” meaning he won’t be mayor again. That being said, it’s going to be lots of fun and it should be quite interesting to see who starts campaigning and when. Some names that have been tossed around to run for mayor have been: Sharon McCain, Horace Feliu, Mark Lago, current City Commissioner Josh Liebman, and soon-to-be former Palmetto Bay Mayor Gene Flinn.

Lots of good news coming out of the City of South Miami. Topping the list is the installation work on a really cool new playground at Dison Park that got underway Nov. 26. Should be done over the next week or two.

And here’s great news for those of us afraid of thunder and lightening – me included, and rightly so with all the electrical storms we see ‘round these parts. An all-new Thor Guard technology system has just been installed at Palmer Park and South Miami Park.

Thor Guard uses predictive technology to warn park visitors that conditions are favorable for lightning strike with a horn that sounds alerting people to clear the area. It’s a great system and we are so pleased to see the city taking the initiative for all our sakes.

The alert systems are activated daily from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. at Palmer Park; and 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. at South Miami Park. When triggered, the horn is loud and may take some time to get use to by surrounding area residents – but they too can benefit by advanced notice of potentially dangerous storms approaching their homes. Signage will go at park entrance and near playing fields to notify visitors about the presence of the system.

Also, Santa’s team wishes to thank everyone for coming out to cheer on his little helpers during the “Elves Parade” along Sunset Drive on Dec. 2. It was no small feat but we all really enjoyed this festive annual event (that was little-people humor, btw…).

I’m also happy to report that dozens and dozens of local residents had more to be thankful for this year on Thanksgiving, as the city oversaw distribution of about 225 stuffed food bags and 132 turkeys around town. In addition, 40 gift-food boxes were delivered to low-income and/or disabled residents.

Major event-contributors included Interval International, Somerset Academy, and local Girls Scout Troop. Also, special thanks to Mayor Stoddard and Commissioners Gil and Harris who were attendance.

As they say, it takes a village – in this case, a city – and we appreciate all our municipal team does to make South Miami the “City of Pleasant Living.”

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