With the city election coming up in February, it’s hard to imagine voting is here again, but the two-year election cycle in the City of Pleasant Living is really a fortuitous time to express feelings about who did what, rightly or wrongly.
Three city commission seats are open, including the mayor’s position currently held by Phil Stoddard, for around six years.
Phil has done so much good stuff, that the not-so-good stuff (or the bad stuff, as you may believe) is just about unbeatable. Period. There might be token opposition, probably to bust his chops and make him spend some money.

But at this point, my magic wand tells me he’ll get in for another two years, backed by the intellectuals, dummies or just plain folks like me.
Next in our beauty contest is Josh Liebman who came out of nowhere four years ago, serving two of those years as vice mayor and the last two as commissioner.
Josh who has rankled more than a few people who delight in taking shots at him. I see those projectiles made out of cotton candy and he just swallows them up with a sugary smile when people throw them his way. Josh has run 101 marathons (that’s 26.2 miles each) and not only has the stamina but the passion, courage, vision and will power to win victory come February.

Then there’s “The Honorable Robert Welsh” who was pretty active in city politics before been elected, Bob was such an extremist, so odd and so off the charts that folks just chuckled while hearing or talking about “Bicycle Bob” who got that name pedaling all over town. He delivered political flyers before being encouraged to run by the folks who loved seeing him on his rounds.
I’ve been told that the content of the flyers were not nearly important as that was somebody, this case Bob was trying to make a difference.
Plain and simply stated: Bob is pretty popular at this point, having come to the politically-correct center in whatever South Miami politicos have assigned to our local digs. He just seems to “get it” and will most probably be there once again to keep us guessing during another four years.
That said, here’s hoping a whole bunch of people run against all three. That’ll give each “a run for their money” if only to keep campaign printers economically happy along with us folks on the sidelines, cheering or kibitzing as we please.

Big transportation dogs talk traffic gridlock, on WPBT2 show Issues, includes Mayor Gimenez, Alice Bravo, transportation maven Ric Katz, Commissioner Estephan Bovo, Jr., and they discuss the challenges ahead to ease this congestion costing local businesses millions, and is a white hot topic with residents.
And Helen Ferre on her show Issues interviewed a host of elected leaders regarding the traffic grid lock in Miami- Dade County and what the half-cent-sales tax accomplished and didn’t. And Ric Katz noted even he and Mayor Alex Penelas who pushed the 2002 tax was kept in the dark when it came to the projected new mass transit, “pro forma,” that was sold to voters, but over promised, would come with the new tax and in fact there was not enough funding to get the job done as it was sold to voters. And this week was a great program hosted by Helen Ferre and included County Mayor Carlos Gimenez, transit director Alice Bravo, and Mitch Biermann and to see the show go to www.wpbt2.org. A lot of politicians will be looking for new jobs with the closing of Dade Medical College where a number of current or past elected people, about a dozen have worked and even included former Coral Gables Mayor Don Slesnick, II and the mix. But its founder Ernesto Perez, has been deviled by accusations that students were not getting a proper education at the for profit institution and students did poorly on medical certification exams and the courses were a rip off leaving students with large debts they could not pay after graduating, but Perez was a high flying man with s private jet and used his political connections to get favorable legislation for the college that has now come to an end.

For years, Casa Larios fed and kept us entertained so when it closed back in January, there seemed to have been a regretful “Ahhhh” heard throughout South Miami. But relief is upon as Casa Cuba on SW 73 St. is now front and center serving up great Latino cuisine, espresso and some delicious pastalitos.
All that’s left is for you and your friends to hurry on over and relax in these comfortably- new and happy surroundings for a spell while sampling your own favorites from a brand-new menu, galore with sumptuous choices. Bon appétit!
After nearly a year on the dias, District 8 Miami-Dade County Commissioner Daniela Levine-Cava has settled into office since she beat Lynda Bell in 2014 for the district that stretches through South Dade and much is considered a rural area and she is a none practicing attorney. Further, she remarked when she was given the commission gavel from Souto for a moment and there was a pause in the proceedings. She joked, “it was going to my head that I am chair for a few minutes,” she laughed and she is a quick learner of the legislative ropes at county hall and is putting in the time and has changed some of the dynamics on the 13 member board generally for the better when it comes to robust discussions on county matters.
(Last few items was provided by watchdog. net)
Got any tips? Contact me at 305-669- 7355, ext. 249, or send emails to Michael@communitynewspapers.com.