“Happy New Year??” I suppose it could be if we decide to keep at least some proactive New Year’s resolutions for more than just the first few weeks of 2012…
Coffee Resolution: Just when you resolve to stop being a regular at Starbucks – a study reveals coffee contributes more antioxidants to the diet linked to fighting heart disease and cancer than cranberries, apples or tomatoes. You might have thought about switching to decaf – up until another study showed decaf may cause an increase in harmful LDL cholesterol. If you really don’t care “a hill of beans” what the studies say, just resolve to get your Starbucks gold card so you can accumulate lots of points for free drinks!
Debt Resolution: Just when you resolve to start leaving home without your “overswiped” credit card – you spend enough to earn the honor of having your limit raised. Everyone knows what credit card debt can cost in interest alone – but the chance to get a great post-holiday bargain? That’s priceless!
Healthy Resolution: Whole Foods Market is sure to be even busier after the first of the year when everyone who made a resolution to eat healthier packs the aisles. But wait…Last time you were there, weren’t the aisles already so crowded you could barely navigate through the produce section to get a small bag of grapes priced as much as a fine bottle of wine??
Love Life Resolution: Just when you resolve to make more of an effort to meet Mr. or Ms. Right in 2012, what happens? You invest a significant sum to join one of those “It’s Just Brunch” dating services and quickly realize “Lose Your Lunch” would be a much more apropos name… The only saving grace could be the loss of appetite winds up helping you keep your “lose ten pounds” resolution.
‘Just Keep It!’ While you’re ringing in the New Year, if anyone asks, “What’s your resolution?” you could suggest the universal New Year’s resolution should simply be: “Resolving to keep the ones we make!”