Excitement is building for the “Around the World Dinner and Auction”, Taste Around the World, sponsored by Johnson & Wales University on March 19th. The dinner and auction will benefit the Academy of Hospitality and Tourism (AOHT), a program currently in 13 Miami-Dade County high schools for students interested in pursuing careers in the tourism industry.
Taste Around the World, will feature gourmet cuisine from around the world at themed food stations set up in the Johnson and Wales kitchens. Attendees will sample a diverse collection of international dishes prepared by university chefs and apprentice chefs along with a sampling of wines from around the world.
“This is a night that I guarantee you will never eat better and all for a fantastic cause – to benefit our hospitality leaders of tomorrow,” says Aventura Marketing Council Board Member Benton Launerts of Marksman Security who is Chair of Fundraising for the AOHT. “Make sure you register for the VIP reception which promises to be amazing.”
Tickets for the VIPVeuve Clicquot Rose Champagne Reception followed by the Signature event are $175 per person while the cocktail reception, dinner and dessert tickets are $125 and can be purchased online at http://aoht.eventbrite.com.
For information or to purchase a ticket or a table, call Ann Fields at 305-995-7379 or annfields@dadeschools.net.