AHF Supports Work of Florida Civic and Business Coalition to Control Increased Prescription Drug Pricing

florida prescription drugs law

AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF), the global leader in providing HIV/AIDS services and advocacy, applauds the leadership of nearly two dozen Florida businesses and healthcare groups., led by leaders in the insurance industry, who have signed on to a national campaign to control prescription drug costs, that would further provide transparency around drug pricing, to mitigate the outrageous increased soaring price hikes.  Through a group called Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing, campaign leaders will lobby state and federal lawmakers to make a significant change.

“It is deplorable and inhumane, the greed the pharmaceutical sector has demonstrated with the continuous increase in prescription drug pricing.  The irresponsible decision making we have witnessed over the past few years with headlines around absurd price increases for the Epi-Pen, treatment for Toxoplasmosis and a cure for hepatitis C. is only a few examples of what is taking place in healthcare to the detriment of very vulnerable patient populations and to the insurers, both public and private, who try to manage the risk of caring for their beneficiaries”, stated Micheal Kahane, AHF Southern Bureau Chief for the Southern Bureau.

As a Los Angeles-based company, AHF is leading a coalition in California to get the passage of Proposition 61 during the November elections. California Proposition 61 will set the bar for prices that can be billed to government payers at the same price that the Veterans Administration (VA) pays for its pharmaceuticals – a much more deeply discounted price than what the average retail/wholesale price is for the same drugs. The Prop 61 initiative continues to build momentum and has included a cross section of support, including civil rights leader Rev. Al Sharpton, National Urban League President Marc Morial and prominent lawmakers such as Senator Bernie Sanders, all of who are lending their face and voice to the fight, much to the chagrin of the trade group Pharma and the industry it represents, who has to-date invested over $110 million to fight the ballot initiative.

“The Florida initiative personifies that there is enormous public support to call out these unconscionable decisions being made in the board rooms of these companies where “what the market can bear” has become the name of the game in favor of higher stock share prices and investors,” stated David Poole, Director of Legislative Affairs for AHF’s Southern Bureau. “

As the leadership of the Florida coalition continues to work towards drug pricing transparency being put into law for Florida we also look forward to a possible ballot initiative in Florida to ensure that the egregious acts of greed exhibited by the pharmaceutical industry are vigorously repelled. Our hope is that this very visible issue is addressed by the U.S. Congress so our entire country will benefit from the much-needed reforms for pharmaceutical pricing.

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