Eight North Dade residents have been named to the Board of Citizens Interested in the Arts (CIA) — the 15 year-old South Florida charitable organization which funds cultural grants to individuals and other community-enriching institutions in both the visual and performing arts.
CIA President Lenore Toby-Simmons announced that the following have become CIA
Board members this month: Charlotte Brodie, Rita Ullman, Frances Adler, Sandi Jo Gordon, and Jo An Evans – all of Aventura ;Carole Samet and Bonnie Whited — of Miami; and Marcia Frantz of North Miami.
Since its founding in 1997 by Gloria Muroff of Aventura and the late Coleen Werner , CIA has awarded more than $850,000 in grants and that figure is expected to jump considerably when it announces its 2013 grantees. That will take place at its annual It Grantees on Parades/ Champion of the Arts luncheon, scheduled for Sunday, February 17 at the Aventura Arts and Cultural Center. The annual event produced this season by Gloria Muroff and Florence Werner — in addition to naming the year’s grantees — honors the Champion of the Arts – an award this year going to arts activists Robert and Florence Werner.
Ticket information is available through Muroff (305-932-9580 orgloria100@aol.com) and sponsorship opportunities can be obtained from Toby-Simmons (305 936-050O or lenoret18@aol.com. )
South Florida cultural organizations that applied for the 2013 CIA grants will learn shortly whether they will be awarded them, according to grants chairman Dr. Dorothy Koreman.
Ron Levitt