Registration is now open for the 2015 Aventura Little League for players 4-14. The registration fee for Aventura residents is $160 and $216 for non-residents. All players must be 4 years of age by Monday, April 6, 2015 and a copy of their birth certificate is required at the time of registration. League play is scheduled fromApril through June 6.
Registration is now open for the 2015 Girls Spring Soccer League for players 5-14. The registration fee forAventura residents is $120 and $162 for non-residents. All players must be 5 years of age byMonday, March 30, 2015 and a copy of their birth certificate is required at the time of registration. League play is scheduled from April through June 6.
New players must register in person only. Returning players can complete their registration online at or in person at the following locations: Community Recreation Center: 3375 NE 188 Street, Founders Park: 3105 NE 190 Street or Waterways Park: 3301 NE 213 Street.
Each team has a staff assigned head coach. Parents are encouraged to volunteer as assistant coaches. If interested in volunteering, please inquire at the time of registration.
For more information, visit or contact Waterways Park at 305- 466-8008.