Aventura Turnberry Jewish Center hosts speaker on the ‘Delegitimization of Israel’

Doron Krakow
Doron Krakow

Aventura Turnberry Jewish Center welcomes Doron Krakow, executive vice president of American Associates, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, who will address “Delegitimizing Israel as a Nation, Combating a Worldwide Strategic Threat,” on Saturday, Nov. 20.

Krakow is speaking during Sabbath morning services on behalf of the Greater Florida Region of American Associates, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (AABGU). AABGU plays a vital role in sustaining David Ben-Gurion’s vision, creating a world-class institution of education and research in the Israeli desert, nurturing the Negev community and sharing the University’s expertise locally and around the globe.

“Israel and its academic institutions are increasingly threatened with boycotts and politically motivated condemnations at a level unprecedented for a democratic nation,” Krakow explains. He will discuss these issues and BGU’s role in confronting them primarily through cross border research and education initiatives that share BGU’s innovations with the world.

The Hon. Billy Joel, Aventura commissioner and a vice president on AABGU’s national board, explains, “In the words of Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, ‘ the delegitimization of Israel must be delegitimized.’ Doron Krakow will do just that while demonstrating how BGU’s exciting research efforts and programs with many different countries are helping to counteract anti-Israel sentiment.”

Services begin at 9 a.m. and Krakow will be speaking at approximately 10:30 a.m. The Aventura Turnberry Jewish Center is located at 20400 NE 30th Ave.

The service is open to the public. For more information, please contact AABGU Greater Florida Associate Director Joy Felton at 561-237- 2874 or jfelton@aabgu.org, or visit aabgu.org.

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