Biscayne Cove Condominium recently hosted an Aventura Marketing Council Business Development meeting featuring Dr. Jodi Stoner of BusinessEtiquette.Biz – helping businesses increase market share, customer service and heighten employee satisfaction.
Business Development Committee Chair Peter L. Fishel, CPA and Biscayne Cove board president Madeline Giardiello welcomed AMC business and community leaders, who also had the opportunity to meet City of Aventura planning director Joanne Carr, sharing news about municipal “go green” initiatives.
“The City of Aventura was recently awarded the Green Government Certification Silver Medal by the Florida Green Building Coalition,” Carr said. “The City also has a new ordinance offering incentives for new developments and renovations to build green.”
Carr encouraged the community to attend the 2011 Aventura Go Green Expo & Symposium at Government Center, Feb. 24th. The event will feature former Go Green initiative winners, as well as exhibits by utility providers; presenters from the city and other agencies; energysaving FPL tips; and recycling benefits from Waste Management. For more information, visit cityofaventura.com or phone: 305-466- 8930.
AMC members agreed Biscayne Cove certainly deserves recognition for beautiful greenery and gate security now enhancing the property – part of great improvements accomplished without assessments.
“We’re now a modern gated community with new state-of-the-art security and a guardhouse that’s manned 24/7,” said Biscayne Cove board president Madeline Giardiello. “The landscaping looks absolutely beautiful thanks to Frank Palmisano, landscaping committee chair; and residents didn’t have to contribute a penny thanks to smart planning by budget chair Oliver Gross and his committee and General Manager Victor Merced.”
Giardiello noted the project, designed by Arturo Belkind of Salini Design, was made possible by the cooperative efforts of many people. “At Biscayne Cove, we’ve not only secured our safety – but our property values will increase.”
From successful green initiatives, the topic turned to earning more green by leveraging business success with the help of BusinessEtiquette.Biz. Dr. Stoner explained, “Etiquette is really about making people feel good – and forging relationships.”
Stoner pointed out etiquette “blunders” at business meetings or networking events including gum chewing, texting, putting makeup on at the table and not making eye contact during conversations. She also noted the importance of portraying an appropriate image on social networking sites and emphasized, “It’s not who you know – but who knows you – and their perception of you.
“BusinessEtiquette.biz offers programs tailored to your needs. We can help foster great people relationships and likability – and help you set the professional standard for your industry. Whether you’re a small business owner, professional, or CEO seeking to take your company to the next level, BusinessEtiquette.biz can help build top-performing teams.”
Services offered include seminars and workshops, lunch and learns, executive / business consultations, professional office protocol training and personal / professional development. Topics include meeting and greeting; body language basics; communicating with confidence; networking with style; the business of business cards; enhancing professional image; business dining and entertainment; developing and strengthening leadership skills; telephone and electronic etiquette; the power of the written word; and cultural awareness and protocol.
For information, visit BusinessEtiquette.biz or phone: 305-389-6854. To contact Biscayne Cove, call 305-935-4565.