Bloomberg: Leaving New York for Miami can save nearly $200,000

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For people who make $650,000, moving to Miami from New York can save nearly $200,000 a year thanks to lower taxes and a cheaper cost of living.

That’s according to a new study from financial information provider SmartAsset, which looked at how much people with six-figure salaries in New York, San Francisco and Chicago can save on taxes and other costs if they decamp to the South Florida city.

Article courtesy of Miami-Dade Beacon Council.

The Miami-Dade Beacon Council, a public-private partnership, is the official economic development organization for Miami-Dade County. Led by a professional staff and Board of volunteer community leaders, the organization facilitates business growth and expansion locally, nationally and internationally. The Council is the steward for the county-wide economic development plan, One Community One Goal, to strengthen and diversify the economy with high paying jobs. Today, the Miami-Dade Beacon Council continues to advance community objectives through a carefully- planned, action-oriented agenda developed in collaboration with Miami-Dade County officials, education, business and civic leaders.

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