Drainage and Road Resurfacing Project
The City of Aventura’s drainage and roadway resurfacing improvement project on NE 191 Street began on Monday, May 1st and will continue through November 2017. To expedite construction and enhance traffic safety, east bound access along NE 191 Street from Biscayne Boulevard to NE 29 Avenue and south bound NE 29 Avenue to NE 190 Street will be closed to traffic. Drivers are encouraged to use NE 187 Street as an alternate route during construction.
The City is committed to upgrading its infrastructure, and this project is part of its ongoing Capital Improvement Program to improve infrastructure demands including drainage.
Teacher Planning Day Program
Registration is now open for It’s a Wrap, the last Teacher Planning Day program of the school year to be held on Friday, June 9, from 7:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. at the Community Recreation Center located at 3375 NE 188 Street.
Children ages 5-14 celebrate the end of the school year with color wars, sponge tag, resistance painting and splatter painting. The program fee includes all activities and supplies as well as lunch at a rate of $43 for residents and $52 for non-residents.
Registration can be completed online at cityofaventura.com/ors, the City’s Online Registration System (ORS) or at any of the following facilities:
• Community Recreation Center, 3375 NE 188 St.
• Founders Park, 3105 NE 190 St.
• Waterways Park, 3301 NE 213 St.
New registrations are accepted in person only.
For more information, visit cityofaventura.com.