When school is not in session due to Teacher Planning Days, the City offers fun-filled activities for children ages 5-14 from 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Aventura Community Recreation Center.
Thursday, September 21
Artful Antics: Works of art are created using methods developed by famous artists.
Monday, October 2
Amazing Race: Skills are tested as participants compete in a variety of races.
Friday, October 27
Silly Science: Fun science is explored by investigating the sun and sky’s color, the laws of force and motion, and heat sensitive slime.
Wednesday, November 27
Myths and Legends: Myths and legends of the past and present are explored to determine if they are truth or fiction.
Each program fee includes all activities, supplies and lunch at a rate of $43 for residents and $52 for non-residents. Registration can be completed online at cityofaventura.com/ors, the City’s Online Registration System (ORS) or at any of the following facilities:
Community Recreation Center, 3375 NE 188 Street
Founders Park, 3105 NE 190 Street
Waterways Park, 3301 NE 213 Street
New registrations are accepted in person only.
For more information, visit cityofaventura.com or contact Aventura Community Recreation Center at 305.466.3883.