Cold hands, warm hearts at JCS’ Lapciuc Reception

Dr. Carlos Valdes-Lora; Dr. Eneida Roldan; JCS Board Chair Shelley Niceley Groff; JCS President and CEO Fred Stock; Event hosts Israel and Tania Lapciuc
Dr. Carlos Valdes-Lora; Dr. Eneida Roldan; JCS Board Chair Shelley Niceley Groff; JCS President and CEO Fred Stock; Event hosts Israel and Tania Lapciuc

Despite the chilly temperatures outside, Jewish Community Services’ Milk & Honey Reception Dinner recently hosted by Tania and Israel Lapciuc warmed the hearts of over 130 guests who gathered at the couple’s beautiful Miami Beach home. After the candles were lit to mark the seventh night of Chanukah, a very special program celebrated some of JCS’ most generous supporters.

This was the eighth consecutive year the Lapciuc family graciously hosted this event to thank donors for contributing to JCS’ food distribution programs which help seniors and others in need throughout Miami- Dade County. The evening included keynote remarks from Jackson Health System’s President and CEO Dr. Eneida Roldan and a violin solo by Daniela Lapciuc.

One of JCS’ critical food distribution programs, the Milk & Honey campaign takes place each year around Rosh Hashanah when volunteers deliver 500 food baskets to seniors and others in need. In addition, the JCS Kosher Food Bank receives over 2,500 visits annually while the Senior Meals programs provide more than 233,000 meals to individuals who are at nutritional risk.

The largest Jewish social service agency in South Florida, JCS annually serves over 35,000 people, regardless of race, religion or ethnic background, with mental health, senior support and vocational programs.

For information about JCS, call 305-576-6550 or visit

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