When Dr. Frederick Knoll isn’t at his North Miami Beach dental practice helping patients of all ages attain more beautiful, healthy smiles, he devotes a great deal of time to training the next generation of dentists enrolled in a Hialeahbased University of Florida post graduate program for which he serves as Director of Fixed Prosthodontics.
“Most people associate UF with Gators and Gainesville – but the UF College of Dentistry’s Hialeah Dental Clinic actually opened in 1997 offering an Advanced Education in General Dentistry program for mostly internationally educated dentists,” Dr. Knoll explains.
Averaging 200 patients per week, the Hialeah Dental Clinic offers comprehensive oral care to children, adults and senior citizens. Dental residents enrolled in the UF program are actively engaged in all phases of dentistry including “prosthodontics” – one of Dr. Knoll’s specialties. Aprosthodontist is a dental specialist skilled in the replacement of missing teeth and restoration of natural teeth; and trained to deal with restorations of the whole mouth, as well as treating facial deformities.
“During dental school, my experience as a lab technician gave me a unique understanding and skill for restorative dentistry,” said Dr. Knoll – renowned for being trusted by patients and respected by doctors. “Today, I find it extremely rewarding to pass this advanced training on to ‘the future’s best dentists.’”
Striking before and after photos displayed in his North Miami Beach office and the fact that thousands of “Knoll smiles” include patients and many other dentists who travel all the way from other states and countries for comprehensive care highlight Dr. Knoll’s ongoing proactive mission to “make the world smile!”
Dr. Frederick Knoll’s North Miami Beach office is located at 951 Northeast 167th Street. St. 208. For more information or to schedule an appointment, phone: 305-651-0139 or visit knolldds.com. To learn more about the UF Hialeah Dental Clinic and Advanced Education in General Dentistry Program, phone: 305-694- 5400 or follow the link: dental.ufl.edu/offices/admissions/grad/programs_ Advanced_Education_General_Dentistr y_Hialeah.php