I could hardly believe what I saw when I compared the FaceLift Dentures to the traditional dentures. I have a personal experience with traditional dentures. Ten years ago, my mother suffered so much with dentures and searched for the best dentist she could find to bring back her youthful look and strong teeth for eating her favorite foods. She was never successful and spent a lot of money, going from one dentist to another. Does this sound familiar?
People Who Wear Dentures Look Old
Often when a person loses a lot of teeth and gets fitted for dentures, several things happen: the face typically looks sunken in, teeth hardly show, lips being to disappear, and creases form on the sides of the mouth as the chin gets closer to your nose. Not a pretty picture. It doesn’t have to be this way.
Do your dentures Cause You Pain and Embarrassment?
So many people have spent a lot of money on dentures and don’t wear them. They complain that they don’t fit, hurt, are ugly and that food gets trapped under them. Some dentures cause the wearer to have a lisp or a click during eating. It is very sad and nowthere is a way to change all this.
Compare Traditional and Facelift Dentures
If you compare the one denture wearer with a before and after image in the ad, it is obvious that the FaceLift Dentures make and incredible difference visually. If you were to interview this lovely woman, she would also tell you that eating now is much easier and does not embarrass her anymore.
So What are FaceLift Dentures?
Now you can look years younger with no facial surgery. Your beautiful smile sparkles and you can walk out od Dr. Hoffman’s dental office with your custom-fitted dentures within a few visits of relaxing appointment time.
With Dr. Hoffman’s FaceLift Dentures technique you are able to quickly determine where your teeth would have ideally been located when you were in your twenties or thirties. After Dr. Hoffman listens to your desires, he will create a new refreshed smile that looks natural and feels comfortable. This stat-ofthe- art technique requires special advanced training and the success rate is extremely high.
For more information, Call Dr. Hoffman at 305-933-3070 for an appointment and free consultation to see how FaceLift Dentures can change your life.