Going ‘against the grain’

In his newest book, The South Beach Wake Up Call, Dr. Arthur Agatston, father of the South Beach Diet and preventive cardiologist, suggests eliminating all wheat products, rye and barley from your diet may be the “gluten solution” to greater health and well-being.

According to Agatston, he noticed some of his patients eating lean proteins, nuts, beans and vegetables during phase one of the South Beach Diet, when no wheat products are allowed for two weeks, were not only losing weight – but also experiencing various health benefits.

In an NBC Miami news segment, Agatston claimed that as a result of following a gluten-free diet, tennis star Novak Djokovic improved his athletic endurance and went on to win Wimbledon and the US Open this year.

In The South Beach Wake Up Call: Why America Is Still Getting Fatter and Sicker, Plus 7 Simple Strategies for Reversing Our Toxic Lifestyle, Agatston explains a gluten intolerance can remain undetected yet manifest in adverse health reactions. Agatston’s nurse practitioner noticed her acid reflux condition dramatically improved within just a couple of days after eliminating gluten from her diet. A patient with severe psoriasis also saw miraculous “gluten-free” results when her skin completely healed without having to take strong medications.

Today, anyone who wants to try a gluten-free diet won’t have trouble finding a plethora of gluten-free products now available at mainstream supermarkets including gluten-free breads and pastas. There are also many websites such as Celiac.com providing gluten-free safe and unsafe food lists…Did you know bran, matzo, cookie dough and certain mustards contain gluten?

To prevent weight gain, Agatston also recommends putting more emphasis on nutrition than counting calories…avoid eating foods high in sugars and transfats as well as high-glycemic index foods such as white rice – try brown rice or the gluten-free grain quinoa instead.

Determined to reverse America’s failing health profile, Garston’s new book emphasizes his “Toxic Turnaround” program providing realistic tools and strategies for exercising more, sleeping better, reducing stress and eating top “mega foods” such as: Broccoli, brussel sprouts, sweet potatoes, mushrooms, avocados and wild salmon (rich in omega-3 fatty acids). Easy to prepare recipes are also included.

The South Beach Wake Up Call is expected to be a bestseller in keeping with the success of Agatston’s famous book, The South Beach Diet: The Delicious, Doctor- Designed, Foolproof Plan for Fast and Healthy Weight Loss.

The South Beach Diet restricts carbohydrates such as potatoes, fruit, bread, cereal, rice, pasta, beets, carrots, and corn for the first two weeks. After that, most of these foods remain strongly discouraged on the recommended long-term eating plan. Preferred low-sugar carbs that don’t cause blood sugar levels to rise and fall as quickly include brown rice, sweet potatoes, plain oatmeal and quinoa.

For more information, or to order The South Beach Wakeup Call, visit southbeachdiet.com

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