When I was asked to be a keynote speaker at the first annual Women’s International Holistic Conference, my first reaction was OF COURSE! My second reaction… UH OH, WHAT SHOULD I SPEAK ABOUT?
Turns out, when I prepare a motivational presentation sharing my thoughts and personal life experiences, I speak from the heart and it seems to resonate with people; inspire them to live life to the fullest. How did this come about?
After disappearing from NBC6 almost three years ago, I made a life-changing departure from the norm. Stepping away from my career I chose to let fate and destiny be my compass. I hit the road for a cross-country dream journey to explore the USA. My best friend, CBS4 reporter Silva Harapetian, and I decided to experience whatever life brought at us as we drove my Nissan Xterra across 22 states, for ten months, canvassing more than 18,000 miles. Being single and seemingly perpetually dateless, I figured maybe…just MAYBE by exposing myself to new places and people I might cross paths with my Mr. Right. Well, there’s still no husband, but more than anything, the journey taught me this: it is within our own power to create the lives we want!
It was suggested I offer some nuggets of “life wisdom” that would be inspirational, motivational and empowering, I drew on the lessons learned as a result of my Highway to a Husband journey:
Be willing to step outside of your comfort zones. Sometimes achieving our goals requires us to s-t-r-et- c-h. To force ourselves to do things, go places and learn concepts that we have not previously been exposed to.
Make a commitment to yourself to do something you’ve always dreamed of doing. Don’t just think and talk about it. DO IT! There is an incredible sense of empowerment when you realize the world won’t cave in if you put your needs and wants at the forefront once in a while.
Create your own CHANGE. Don’t wait for someone else to do it for you because you’ll probably be waiting a long time and will more than likely be disappointed at the outcome. You owe it to yourself to set the wheels into motion to create EXACTLY what you want for yourself! Remember, life is a journey, so enjoy the ride!
A multiple Emmy Award winning Anchor and Reporter, Julia Yarbough is a national blogger, motivational speaker, hostess, travel addict and health & fitness enthusiast. To follow Julia’s quirky new reality of life as she continues to navigate the sometimes rocky road of relationships, check out www.highwaytoahusband.com. Julia can be reached at info@juliayarboughmediagroup.com for press and booking inquiries.