South Florida residents will be treated to a hilarious stand-up comedy show in honor of Purim. United Jewish Generations is bringing the internationally renowned Comedian, Joel Chasnoff to their 12th annual Purim Comedy Show. Joel Chasnoff was born in Chicago and has performed across North America and Europe at more than 1,000 events and clubs. While in college, he was the director of the Mask and Wig Comedy Club. Joel is considered to be one of the top 10 comedians in the Jewish world.
“Joel Chasnoff is sure to have everyone laughing in good Purim spirit!” says Rabbi Smith, director of United Jewish Generations.
United Jewish Generations began 15 years ago in order to bring happiness to the older adult population and enhance their quality of life spiritually and physically. This comedy show will bring much laughter to all that attend and “laughter is the best medicine.”
Event takes place at the Shul of Bal Harbour, 9540 Collins Ave on Purim Day, Thursday, March 1st. Brunch begins at 11:30 AM and the comedy show begins at 12:15 PM. Admission is $30. Senior citizen $18. Reservations required. To reserve, please call (305) 770-4540 or email