The month of January is named after Janus a very important Roman God. He is the God of the gates, doors and portals. He is the guardian of exits and entrances. You must go through a gate or door and emerge through a gate or door before entering a new place. Metaphorically, this can represent leaving one phase of your life and entering a new phase of your life and of going from one vision to another. Be sure to look at your own personal vision at this time of year and update it or create a new one.
Gates and doors look in two directions so Janus is depicted by two double faced heads each looking in the opposite direction, backward and forward, seeing the past and the future at the same time. This symbolizes the contemplation of the happenings of the old year while, at the same time, looking forward to the new. The contemplation of the old is vital to guarantee success in your new endeavors. There is a belief that the beginning of anything is an omen for the whole thing and a sign of things to come and how things will go in the future.
A key is often depicted as well so you can lock up your past and unlock your future. Locking up the past means it is over and effectively puts an end to it
How appropriate that the year begins with Janus or January. The symbolism is timeless and wise. It serves as a blueprint for you to follow in the coming months and throughout the coming year. Don’t miss the opportunity to take full advantage of January.
January is the time of endings, new beginnings, transitions and changes. What is ending in your life? What needs to end? What behaviors and beliefs should be locked up and put away. What has changed? What needs to change? What do you need to do to begin a new year or a new you?
Patricia Frank is a Licensed Psychotherapist. She can be reached at 305- 788-4864,