In response to the high number of people experiencing stress in our community, Acupuncture Physician, David Sontag is holding an Acupuncture Happy Hour event in an attempt to avoid the progression of degenerative disease caused by stress in our society. The FREE event will take place Tuesday, October 21st, from 3:30pm to 7:30pm. All community members are invited to receive a FREE mini acupuncture treatment that is focused upon calming the mind, reducing stress and alleviating anxiety, along with this, they will also receive information about acupuncture and Chinese medicine. Food, drinks, and longevity teas will be served.
“This is a great way for us to meet the community, while answering questions and helping ensure that people in the community have an increased understanding of what acupuncture is and how it can help them in various ways, honestly, I could have a practice by just treating the two points I use during the Acupuncture Happy Hour event. That’s how powerful and effective they are!” said David Sontag, the acupuncturist in charge of the stress reduction events.
The clinic is located at 18110 N.E. 19th Ave. North Miami Beach, FL 33162. The happy hour event will be Tuesday October 21st , 2014. Everyone is invited and you may bring your friends and loved ones.
Space is limited, please call and reserve your visit prior to attending. To obtain more information or make a reservation please contact Carol at (305) 949-2990.
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