“Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve works tirelessly to make sure our returning heroes have the ability to earn a living – giving them their livelihoods and lives back after they’ve defended ours.”
The Aventura Marketing Council’s February breakfast meeting hosted by Memorial Regional Hospital South and Warren Henry Auto Group featured a tribute to members of the military and a presentation by James G. Rebholz, Chair of the National Committee for Department and Defense, Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve. Rebholz oversees national ESGR operations with a network of over 4,200 volunteers located in every state, the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands and Europe.
AMC Chair Cliff Schulman of Weiss, Serota, Helfman welcomed business and community leaders gathered at the Newport Beachside Hotel & Resort, who learned about the many benefits associated with hiring unemployed Guard and Reserve veterans returning home from tours of duty.
Following the presentation of colors by the Navy Jr. ROTC of Krop Sr. High and the National Anthem sung by Jasmine Michaels of Alonzo and Tracy Mourning Sr. High, Rebholz emphasized, ““When you hire a Guard and Reserve person, you’re getting somebody who has been tested under stressful conditions; shows initiative; is dependable and disciplined; has an innate sense of responsibility; will be drug-free, physically fit and willing to work. I believe that is the definition of an employee that any employer would want to have.”
Rebholz also requested input and information. “Tell us what would make it easier for you to employ a military member and what policies you think could benefit your business.”
Business leaders can visit the website floridaesgr.comand register their company to be a supporter, pledging to give preferential hiring to returning National Guard and Reserve veterans.
“Everyone who has served is truly a patriot,” Rebholz said. “Without these heroes, we would not have the great country we have.”
During the meeting, AMC members also learned more about Memorial Regional Hospital South and Warren Henry Auto Group, specializing in Jaguar, Volvo, Infiniti and Range Rover.
“Memorial Regional Hospital South, located on Washington Street in Hollywood, is part of the Memorial Healthcare System,” said Administrator Doug Zaren. “We offer a boutique environment that enhances the hospital experience and promotes healing for our patients. Our 280-bed community hospital has been significantly upgraded to provide efficient, high-quality medical and surgical services in an attractive, nurturing and homelike setting.”
Beyond 24-hour emergency care ranging from minor illnesses to chronic medical conditions, this year the hospital opened the only Geriatric Emergency unit of its kind in South Florida. Other special amenities include 130 private rooms; the Orthopedic Institute of South Florida; a Rehabilitation Institute with 56 beds; The Women’s Institute of Florida; a Sleep Study program; Hospice Unit; plus outpatient services including a variety of medical/surgical procedures and diagnostic testing.
During the meeting, everyone was impressed by a luxurious Jaguar and Volvo on display at the Newport courtesy of Warren Henry Zinn, who noted, “We’re now starting our 35th year in business.” AMC members were happy to hear Warren Henry “Preferred Members” can buy a new auto for just three percent over dealer invoice plus keep all applicable factory rebates.
The “Warren Henry Advantage” also provides special perks such as complimentary car washes with every service; Saturday hours for service and parts; a variety of financing plans; courtesy shuttle service and loaners; priority service appointments, VIP collision service; 10% off service and parts; plus the Warren Henry best value guarantee.
For more information, visit warrenhenryauto.com; memorialregionalsouth.com; floridaesgr.com.