When Team FootWorks begin planning the 2012 Corporate Run series, the magnitude of this year’s races could not have been imagined. With more than 29,000 runners and walkers from more than 1,100 companies, the Corporate Run has broken all previous records with the largest number of participants and companies since the first 1,300 participants took to the streets of Miami 27 years ago.
“When we first began producing this race almost three decades ago, we never dreamt that it would become as large as it has,” said Hans Huseby, race director. “It is a testament that more and more companies are embracing health and wellness initiatives for their employees.
“We’re excited to see folks lacing up their sneakers in support of the Corporate Run’s goal to promote health and fitness and increase camaraderie in the workplace.”
The tri-county race series awarded prizes to the top finishers at each race. Miami’s top finishers were Andrew Letherby, 15:18, and Erica Huerta, 18:53.
For the third year in a row, a portion of the race series proceeds will benefit the South Florida Chapter of the American Red Cross. In the upcoming weeks, Team FootWorks will present the organization with a check for more than $29,000.
The Mercedes-Benz Corporate Run Series attracts more than 1,100 South Florida Companies and incorporates a special competition to award the overall men’s, women’s and co-ed teams in 20 different industries. Every year, the run is open to employees of businesses, corporations, government agencies, financial institutions and non-profits — regardless of company size.
Known as “Florida’s Largest Office Party,” everyone is encouraged to participate and join their company team to walk or run as a group. Often this is the first step towards greater health and wellness among South Florida employees and their companies.
Sponsors of the 2012 Mercedes-Benz Corporate Run series included the local South Florida Mercedes-Benz Dealers, American Airlines, BB&T, Aetna, Baptist Health, Club Med, Sharp, UPS, Pearl Izumi, Motorola, Southern Waste Systems and more.
For more information including ways to get involved in the 2013 series, contact TeamFootWorks at 305-666-RACE (7223) or visit <www.mercedesbenzcorporaterun.com> or <www.teamfootworks.org>.