Dvora Friedman, a longtime resident of Vi Aventura, will be honored by the National Board of Hadassah as she marks her 90th birthday.
Dvora has been involved in Hadassah for over seven decades. She began as a Young Judea leader in Kansas City, Missouri. In her teen years she was Junior Hadassah Chapter President. As an adult she was elected to serve as Midwest Regional President. In 1947-1948 Dvora was awarded a leadership scholarship to spend the year in Palestine.
After resettling in Florida, Dvora continued her active involvement with the Hadassah organization and rose to be Broward Region Chapter President and then Broward Regional President. After serving in leadership capacities in the Region, Dvora was then appointed to the Hadassah National Board.
In honor of her devotion to Hadassah, Dvora will be presented with a beautiful hand inscribed certificate featuring an image of a stained glass window designed for Hadassah by Marc Chagal . Agenerous gift in honor of her 90th birthday was made to Hadassah with love by all of Dvora’s family and friends.
The presentation of the certificate and a surprise reception will be given in her honor at Vi Aventura. Vi is a luxury continuing care retirement community where Dvora and her husband Rabbi Sy were among the first residents to move into when it opened over 12 years ago. Dvora also distinguished herself as a leader in the Vi community by organizing a women’s discussion group. Dvora at age 90 has not slowed down a bit. Residents of Vi will be at the reception to show their appreciation of all her volunteer efforts.
For more than 25 years, Vi (pronounced “vee”) has been dedicated to providing quality environments, services and care to enrich the lives of older adults. Find out more at, www.ViLiving.com.