In his book “Leadership Lessons of the White House Fellows,” bestselling author Charles P. Garcia, a former White House Fellow, reveals how to inspire others, achieve greatness and find success in any organization – lofty goals shared by Aventura Marketing Council members attending an AMC breakfast meeting hosted by Northwestern Mutual Financial Network.
Jordan Laser, director of Northwestern Mutual’s Aventura office joined by Ben Launerts of Marksman Security standing in for AMC Chair Cliff Shulman of Weiss, Serota Helfman, greeted guests gathered at the Newport Beachside Hotel & Resort. Sunny Isles Beach Mayor Norman Edelcup noted, “The Aventura Marketing Council is a great organization that has made the northeast area a ‘hot spot’ for business people throughout South Florida.”
Elaborating on Northwestern Mutual’s strong leadership philosophy: Our Financial Strength is Your Financial Security, Laser explained, “Our group of talented financial representatives specializes in sophisticated planning in areas ranging from business succession, estate tax and wealth preservation strategies – to simple solutions for life, disability and long-term care insurance. Northwestern Mutual has received the highest possible ratings from all four major rating agencies and is well-positioned in the marketplace to help you manage financial risk and achieve financial security.”
Also a leader in the realm of financial success, Garcia founded an investment banking firm named the eighth fastestgrowing privately held company in the U.S. A graduate of the U.S. Air-Force Academy and Columbia Law School, he has been recognized as one of the 100 most influential Hispanics in the U.S.
Garcia’s newest book focuses on the White House Fellows program, one of the nation’s most competitive and prestigious fellowship programs founded by President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964 that has produced an impressive roster of American leaders.
“Every year, young professionals come to the White House and work directly for the President, Vice President or Cabinet Secretary for one year,” Garcia explained. “They attend about 75 lunches at the White House with the ‘who’s who’of corporate America and also go on trips – reporting back to the President about what they’ve learned.” Garcia’s book features enlightening and entertaining leadership lessons shared by illustrious figures he interviewed including former Chairman of the NYSE Marshall Carter, U.S. Army General Wesley Clark, Pulitzer Prize-winning author Doris Kearns Goodwin, former U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell, Stanford Business School Dean Robert Joss and former Chief Judge Deanell Reece Tacha.
Some of the “leadership lessons” Garcia shared with AMC members included:
“Leaders have a ‘laser like’ focus on people…Know everybody’s first name, know what’s important in their life and they’ll know you care.”
“Leaders know there’s more to life than work.”
“Leaders ask tough questions.”
“Leaders energize their people. You can be an ‘energy vampire’ sucking all the energy out of a room with a negative attitude – or the type of leader that motivates people to do more in the right way.”
“Leaders understand every battle is not the end of the war. Too many get caught up in little things in life, losing focus on the big picture.”
“Leaders lead by walking around. Leave the ivory tower – you can learn so much by going out to see what’s happening in the field.”
For information about Northwestern Mutual Financial Network, visit Jordanlaser@nmfn.com or phone: 561-962- 2921. To view a Fox News interview about “Leadership Lessons of the White House Fellows” visit online at http://video.foxnews.com/v/3931941/leadership- lessons