Positivity: How to create light and share

Sometimes people come into your life, and when you meet them, you have no clear idea or understanding WHY they have entered your sphere.

That is the case with a dear friend of mine. A man who some of you may have heard of others — perhaps just becoming aware — but nonetheless, a man who has an unwavering belief in the goodness of people and our world. The musician, Kevens.

For those of you following my blog on the fun and eye-opening journey I call Highway to a Husband, you know I often share stories which point to my desire to seek out positive situations and find ways to turn even the most frustrating experiences into something positive and worthwhile for myself and others.

Kevens has that same approach; except he takes it to an entirely new level. A writer, musician and international artist, Kevens describes himself as a “globally informed performer.” His style of music is a unique blend of styles, rhythms and sounds resulting in a funky and hip groove; Rock Reggae. Listen to his tunes and you’ll quickly understand just how unique he truly is.

Honestly, I can’t even remember what year I met Kevens, but I DO remember the mutual friend who introduced us said, “There’s someone I think you should meet. You have similar energy. I think you’ll be friends.”

Sure enough, that mutual friend was right. It’s not often you are in the presence of an individual who exudes a constant calmness; a vibrational energy that instantly makes you feel at ease, safe; with no need to put up walls so many of us keep in place in most social settings. Then, when I learned of Kevens’ motto – “Positivity is a Necessity,”…well, I knew we would be friends a long time.

This past week, I hung out with Kevens and his band during rehearsal for his upcoming concert tour. How cool is that??!! Don’t miss his video interview coming up on the Highway to a Husband blog, and check out his website, kevens.com to find out when and where you can see him live on stage.

The artist, the musician, the man Kevens is spreading his message of positivity and light wherever he goes. It’s taken a number of years, but I think I now understand WHY Kevens appeared in my life. In fact, I’m POSITIVE!

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