Santa’s Christmas Insurance List

So no doubt by this time of year Santa Claus is busy churning away on the production line at that icy toy factory, watching the elves punch the overtime clock and praying to heaven itself that Donner gets back from his Vegas junket in time to make the deliveries. But has anyone asked if Santa has his insurance needs covered? The accident/insurance lawyer in me can think of a few “must have” policies for the hectic holiday hero this season:

1) Property Damage (“PD”) – If Santa can’t quite stick the landing and damages your roof, car or other property, this product will insure for the repairs (usually at the fair market value of the property in its condition just before the loss);

2) Bodily Injury (“BI”) Liability – This insurance provides Santa with a legal defense and payment of claims made by anyone he negligently injures with his sleigh;

3) Personal Injury Protection (“PIP”) would cover Santa’s own medical expenses and lost work income regardless of who is at fault for the crash; 4) Underinsured Motorist (“UM”) — It’s South Florida where everyone seems to crash without enough insurance. Well, UM coverage will cover Santa for injuries he sustains as a result of someone else’s negligence should that person have no insurance or not enough insurance to cover his losses.

5) Comprehensive & Collision (“Comp/ Collision”) – Hey, do you have any idea what a good sleigh costs these days? Me either, but I’m sure it’s a lot. Well, Comp/ Collision coverage will ensure that Santa’s ride is insured for theft, fire or someone just plain crashing into it.

6) Finally, let’s not forgot travel insurance in case Santa gets sick and can’t make the trip. As the father of two small children, let’s hope that never happens.

Be safe, and cover yourself this Holiday Season.

Russel Lazega is an attorney and author of several of Florida’s most widely distributed legal textbooks on Florida Insurance Law: West’s Florida Practice Series Volume 7 and West’s Florida Insurance Law & Practice. Mr. Lazega represents accident victims, insurance policyholders and condominium associations and is based in Dania Beach, Tallahassee, North Miami, Orlando and Tampa, Florida. Contact:

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