Wandering & Pondering

Dan Palmer
Dan Palmer

Bill was the worst kind of human being there was. This was not that he did anything illegal but he was just a rough business man. He was just as bad in relationships with anyone that interested him.

With every friend he was supposed to have to fill his needs he was as correct and sweet until he got what he wanted and were sooner or later messed up by him. If in business, he believed that everyone was against him and went for the kill at all times. If he decided that he wanted a woman to like him he was all sweetness till he achieved his goal, then he just dropped her without any decency in his actions.

Business wise if he wanted a partner, he was fair at the beginning but by the time he had figured out the partner, he was also trying to take everything the person had that he felt that he wanted and deserved.

He had been married twice and within a year or two the wives had divorced him and were so glad to get away from him that they wanted no alimony just to get him out of their lives. It is hard for someone not to have a friend in the world; but Bill really achieved that honor.

He had one bad habit, namely he was a big smoker. He didn’t believe all that stuff that it could be trouble down the road he was travelling.

Then it happened… the lung cancer got to him. He was insulted and decided that he didn’t need any doctors to tell him what to do. He knew he could beat this all by himself. He lasted close to a year and then to the surprise of no one but himself he died.

The day of the funeral the church was packed with long lines of viewers anxious to see if he really was gone. Everyone wondered what the preacher would say about Bill. He looked at this large crowd and intoned, “It is very amazing that on this day Bill has made everyone of you here happy to see him as he now is,” and he signaled to close the casket.

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