I feel like I’m starving when I try to diet!
There’s no reason to be ravenous when you’re trying to lose weight. In fact, if you consume too few calories, your body’s starvation mechanisms kick in and starts holding onto fat reserves for energy. Many people think the secret to a great body is eating less – but actually eating more frequently (five or six healthy meals and snacks every three to four hours) can keep your metabolism revving, increase energy, keep insulin levels constant and eliminate hunger pains that can derail your diet plan.
I don’t have time to get to a gym!
Nowadays, when it comes to exercising, there’s “an app for that” as well as a myriad of DVDs and computer programs with everything form virtual trainers to workout plans and nutrition programs that can be customized to help you achieve your fitness goals.
I’ve given up on diets because they never work!
Your best intentions to start a diet may be sabotaged if you’re fill your grocery cart with items you think are diet friendly – but are really your worst enemy! Examples include yogurt covered raisins (a handful has about as much saturated fat as two BK burgers); Vitamin Water varieties with eight grams of sugar; and if you have two cups of granola cereal – that’s a whopping 660 calories and 51 grams of sugar (12 teaspoons). Other pseudo diet “foods that fool ‘ya” include fruit smoothies and energy bars with as much sugar as candy bars!
I’m addicted to snacks and sweets!
If chips, dips, cookies and candy bars are around your home or office, dump all that’s left into a big box and put it outside in the “junk” pile. Then, fill your desk drawers, cabinets and fridge with healthful replacements like fruits, nutbutters, multigrain crackers, low fat yogurt or string cheese and protein powder for making on-the-go shakes. More guilt-free sweets and treats include Swiss Miss “Sensible Sweets” Hot Chocolate, sugar free Jello and Skinny Cow ice creams.
I won’t lift weights because I’ll get too bulky!
Many women are hesitant to start weight training programs because they’re afraid of becoming too bulky – but according to The American College of Sports Medicine, women generally have too much estrogen in their bodies to build large muscles. When it comes to firming and toning, cardio alone won’t cut it. Weight training is the only way to really defy gravity and look heavenly in a bathing suit!
Make excuses and obstacles – obsolete!
Aches and pains? Start stretching in a yoga or Pilates class…Budget constraints? Find a partner to share the cost of a trainer…Always tired? Start eating healthier to fuel your stamina for exercising…Too busy with kids or work? Take advantage of gym daycare centers and commit to making time for some kind of exercise at least 30 minutes a day.
For every excuse – there are excellent recourse’s and resources that can help you lead a fit, healthy lifestyle. Beyond warding off heart disease and diabetes, eating right and exercising can reverse detrimental effects of stress; lift depression; build self-esteem and body image; and leave you feeling euphoric – so you’ll always have a good excuse to smile!