A Women’s History Month Town Hall Meeting: Sister to Sister

In My Shoes panel Topic- How do you promote women and sisterhood in your shows?

A town hall meeting with a simple purpose, for women to discuss how they can better encourage each other to step away from work, business, home and enjoy more.  The end result is to have a more enriched life with and through the support of sister friends.

The idea is behind  the age old idea of women pushing and pulling to get to the top, the ole glass ceiling remains prevalent. However, a group of women came together at Priscilla Dames’ FABULOUS themed gathering to celebrate ‘us’, women being who they are and to instead focus on pulling back to take more time to take care of self, each other and have more fun.  It is a diverse group of business owners, elected officials, retirees, millennials, artists, and others that encompass several states. FABULOUS is a group of women with a simple purpose: to support each other with a positive heart and open mind.   indigoLife magazine publisher, Dr. Alicia Ritchey, found interest in Fabulous’ move to build community which mirrors that of the magazine. Based in Georgia, indigoLife’s mission is based on inclusive community building that uplifts, empowers and transforms with a focus on sustaining relationships. The women of Fabulous was featured in indigoLife Magazine last year and will launch as a formal organization in June, 2017.

The format of the town hall meeting was similar to that of a talk show, allowing featured guests to share how they support women within their roles. Guests included Michelle Hollinger, Publisher of Sisterhood Magazine, Ferial Youakim of By Ferial, El Portal Mayor Claudia Cubillos and Dr. Carol Clark, Psychologist and sex therapist. The guests addressed hard topics, supporting women in your shoes and sister friends.

The host’s sister friends gave history, activities and explained how they have been able to sustain relationships overtime.

Sister friends include Lynda Harris and DeAnne Connolly  Graham, both Chairpersons of Women Business Councils, Jackie Jackson, Carol Brown, Stephanie Clark and poet Rebecca “Butterfly’ Vaughns.

About Priscilla Dames
Priscilla Dames, Founder of Wingspan Seminars and Fabulous, specializes in strengthening relationships through while creating positive environments.  She is a certified  trainer in conflict resolution, mediator, and a member of the national and Florida state crisis teams. Her quests and topics of interest include supporting women in their quest for life through the WOW, Wings on Women component.  She speaks and has released ‘ How to Survive When Your Ship is sinking at an international women’s conference in Chicago, Illinois. For scheduling training or for a speaking engagement, please call 305-804-4627  or go to www.wingspanseminars.net.

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