Alonzo and Tracy Mourning Senior High Student Spotlight

Chloe Golan
Chloe Golan, freshman at Alonzo and Tracy Mourning High
Chloe Golan
Chloe Golan, freshman at Alonzo and Tracy Mourning High

High School student Chloe Golan, a 14- year-old freshman at Alonzo and Tracy Mourning Senior High School, is the founder of Chloe’s Coats, an organization that collects used coats for the homeless and less fortunate.

Chloe has collected hundreds of coats thanks to the generosity of the students at her school and the people in the community.

This year, Chloe collected more than 800 coats, which were donated to the Broward Outreach Center and the Salvation Army of Broward County. She is still accepting donations from family, friends, and community members and is also contacting clothing companies that are willing to donate coats.

Chloe’s desire to help those in need is an inspiration to both students, as well as staff members at Alonzo and Tracy Mourning Senior High School.

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