More than 450 guests packed the Moore Building Saturday, November 3, which was proclaimed “Ronald McDonald House Charities of South Florida Day” in both Miami-Dade and Broward Counties. Two South Florida favorites – DJ Bounce from the American Airlines Arena’s Grey Goose Lounge and the high octane Latin fusion of “Locos Por Juana” – helped keep the energy level high all night long for the event guests and families staying at the two South Florida Ronald McDonald Houses.
While the money raised from the 30th Anniversary Celebration will help RMHC get closer to its goal of building a third Ronald McDonald House in South Florida, RMHC Executive Director, Soraya Rivera-Moya says the event was also able to connect charity’s donors and sponsors with the families they support through RMHC’s various programs.
“The greatest reward from our 30th Anniversary Celebration was seeing the joy and gratitude on the faces of the families staying at our two Houses,” says Rivera-Moya. “We thank our year long and event sponsors and corporate partners as they truly believe in our mission. The “Heart Chain Celebration on Saturday was all about the families, volunteers and donors together as one big family.”
By Brad Simon