Bakehouse Art Complex launches ‘Fresh Goods Gallery’ to aid artists

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Bakehouse Art Complex recently unveiled the “Fresh Goods Gallery,” a new online sales tool that will generate income to support affordable studio workspaces and other resources for its resident artists.

Housed in a former industrial Art Deco-era bakery in Miami’s Wynwood Norte neighborhood, Bakehouse was founded in 1985 by artists to provide studio residencies and support services. Fresh Goods Gallery, a new platform offered by Bakehouse to promote the works of its artists, launched its inaugural sale on Nov. 30, timed with Miami Art Week 2020.

At launch it featured an impressive selection of vintage and contemporary photographs generously donated by the Martin Z. Margulies Foundation in support of the organization.

The viewing room, as well as information on each photographer and a short curatorial statement of the work, with its date, dimensions, edition, and provenance can be seen at Beginning in early 2021, Fresh Goods Gallery also will offer a selection of works by Bakehouse artists.

The Bakehouse community includes 100 working artists from diverse backgrounds, working in a broad range of media and practices, from painting to performance, from traditional to experimental. It is one of the oldest artist-serving organizations in Miami, with studios of varying sizes, two galleries, a print room, photography lab, digital printer lab, ceramics facilities, and woodworking, and welding areas. These spaces, often unavailable outside of university campuses or highly selective artist retreats, enable artists to work, make, discover, learn, and share their practices and work with each other and the broader community.

The 55 photographs donated by the Margulies Foundation span the early 1900s to 2013, and come from local, national, and internationally acclaimed documentary photographers whose work not only reflects historical precedents but are emblematic of Margulies’ interest in the human condition. The images consist of poignant portraits, scenes of regionalism, social realism, poverty, labor conditions, visions of urban life, the vanishing rural landscape, and the everyday experience.

Fresh Goods Gallery is the first step in a broader plan to expand Bakehouse’s impact and influence both on the Wynwood Norte neighborhood and on Miami’s role as a center for working artists. After more than three decades serving artists and the immediate and greater communities, Bakehouse now will play a more critical role in the collective efforts to build a strong and sustainable ecosystem in Miami in which artists and the arts can thrive. Plans are underway to use a portion of its expansive 2.3-acre campus to address the critical need for affordable housing for artists.

“For a long time, Bakehouse has been a great resource for artists, providing them with affordable working spaces and infrastructure to develop their practices and advance their careers,” said Margulies, the internationally recognized Miami-based collector of modern and contemporary art. His vast holdings are an exceptional archive of some 5,000 photographic works spanning almost one century, acquired over approximately three decades. The strength of Margulies’ photography collection is clear in the works donated to Bakehouse.

“We are so honored and grateful for this incredible gift, one of the many Marty has made to this community,” said Bakehouse director Cathy Leff. “With it, we will launch an online gallery, Fresh Goods, to raise funds to continue to support studio subsidies for artists of merit with financial need, as well as provide a mechanism for our artists to reach new audiences.”

To view Fresh Goods Gallery, access, with the images, as well as information on each photographer, including a short curatorial statement of the work with date, dimensions, edition, and provenance.

The sale went live Nov. 30. For inquiries on works and/or pricing, contact Starting in early 2021, Fresh Goods Gallery also will offer a selection of works by Bakehouse artists.

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