The Children’s Bereavement Center (CBC) recently celebrated its annual spring fundraiser, “Rockin’ on the Green,” at Ransom Everglades Middle School in Coconut Grove.
More than 400 CBC supporters from the community enjoyed an evening of fine food, cocktails, live music, and silent/live auctions. Guest emcees were Lonnie Quinn, former Miami weatherman who now is with WCBS in New York City, and Roxanne Vargas of NBC6 Miami.
The event was an opportunity for the community to come together and learn about the services of the Children’s Bereavement Center and support its mission to help families adjust to life after loss of a loved one.
The CBC has been providing peer support groups in the community since 1999 and this year expanded its services to Miami Shores in partnership with VITAS Hospice. They plan to offer groups in Broward County beginning in September.
The CBC is South Florida’s only nonprofit bereavement and resource center helping children and their families after loss. The CBC provides free support groups for almost 450 family members monthly.
Information, grief resources and sponsorship opportunities can be found by visiting <www.childbereavement.org> or by calling 305-668-4902.