Shell Lumber had accepted the challenge earlier and then challenged the entire community to stop by the store to accept the challenge. For each person accepting the challenge an additional donation was made by Shell to ALS. In addition, everyone got Shell Lumber & Hardware gift certificates as a thank you.
If you like the ice bucket challenge, you certainly will want to save the date, Nov. 8, for another fun activity and not nearly as cold — the Great Grove Bed Race. This is such a fun way to spend the day with ample space for viewing along S. Bayshore Drive.
You can be sure that Shell Lumber & Hardware will be there as will so many other longtime participants like Lee Kessler and his team from Barracuda Bar. Signing up for the bed race is easier than you think. In fact, for businesses looking for positive press and branding, you cannot beat this. More on this in upcoming issues but for now visit www.thegreatgroverace.com.

Nonprofits will want to sign up to participate in the Park Project 5K Race on the night of Sunday, Nov. 2, on Miami Beach. Marly Q once again will orchestrate a great race and festival event that will serve to benefit local nonprofits. Any NPO that forms a team gets to get keep half of the $40 registration fee for its own programs. For more info, visit www.parkproject.org.
Coral Gables Woman’s Club always is attracting dynamic women who want to serve our community. The club once again is going all out for its second annual Haunted House Mansion Halloween Party, Oct. 31, 8 p.m.- midnight, at 1009 E. Ponce de Leon Blvd.
After rave reviews last year, the club looks to up the ante with an even more fabulous party to show off the beautiful clubhouse, enjoy fellowship, and attract new members while also raising funds for the club’s free children dental clinic. Coral Gables Rotarians are even hopping on board to make this the club’s Fifth Friday event. Tickets are only $20.

This is definitely the best deal in town for dancing with the music of DJ Johnny, costume contests, prizes, food, fun and a cash bar. For tickets email at iristorres@bellsouth.net or bjlapsley@bellsouth.net.
Until next time, keep making each day count.
[author image=”http://www.communitynewspapers.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/57.jpg” ]If you want to submit information for this column, send your news via email to gloriagalburns@aol.com.[/author]