(Photo by Ron Magill)
Prepare to see these extinct creatures come back to life in an extraordinary outdoor Jurassic adventure. Open daily during normal zoo operating hours through May 10, this exhibit will take zoo guests back to a time when dinosaurs roamed the earth.
Among the dinosaurs on exhibit, guests will be thrilled to discover favorites like a fully grown “spitting” Dilophosaurus and baby, fast moving carnivores named after its two crests, and of course, the Tyrannosaurus Rex, whose name means “Tyrant Lizard King” due to its size and power.
Along the journey, guests will find not only an adult Tyrannosaurus Rex, but also a nest of freshly hatched newborns and a baby T-Rex that seems as vicious as a grown one. Other dinosaurs may be recognized easily by visitors, including the Quetzalcoatlus, one of the largest flying creatures to ever exist, and a juvenile Sarcosuchus, a distant relative of the crocodile we see today. Towering over the other dinosaurs and many of the trees as well will be the Brachiosaurus, a long-necked creature that could have measured up to 50 feet tall.
Guests may be amazed to find dinosaurs they never knew, including some with fascinating features, like the Pachycephalosaurus – whose name means “thick headed lizard.” Its thick skull was surrounded by blunt bony knobs and spikes, making it stand out from the other dinosaurs. The Citipati is identified by its unusually short head that ends in a short toothless beak, giving it a bird-like appearance.
The Parasaurolophus also stands out with a unique feature to help identify it. Its name means “beside crested lizard,” and after spotting it, it is obvious why. This dinosaur has a long bony crest atop its head that measured about six feet long. Be sure to keep an eye out for its egg nest as well, but don’t get too close.
“We believe this exhibit will bring many visitors to the zoo since our fascination with these creatures has outlived them,” said Zoo Miami director Eric Stephens. “Many people know more about dinosaurs than animals that are still present today. We invite visitors to feed their dinosaur fixation by visiting Dinosaurs Live! at Zoo Miami.”
This exhibit is nothing short of amazing. Guests will be surrounded by several other dinosaurs, posed in their natural state, including a couple of Coelophysis, very fast runners with curved necks that resemble long legged bird, a Deinonychus slashing through its fallen prey and another watching on as guests pass by. Also on display will be an impressive Diabloceratops, Protohadros, Acrocanthosaurus and an interactive photo opportunity with a Pachyrhinosaurus.
There will be so much to see, learn and experience at this one-of-a-kind exhibit by Billings Productions, a leading provider of animatronic dinosaurs. You may have to come more than once to take it all in. Dinosaurs Live! is included with zoo admission and is open from Jan. 24 to May 10, Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and weekends and holidays from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., ticket booths close at 4 p.m. Zoo Miami is located at 12400 SW 152 St. General zoo admission is: $17.95 per adult, plus tax and $13.95 per child (3-12) plus tax. Children under 2, zoo members, and parking are free.
For more information visit www.zoomiami.org or call 305-251-0400.