The Academic Leaders Council (ALC) and One Community One Goal (OCOG) announced the initial group of companies that have committed to providing paid internships for high school, college and university students.
“The Talent Development Network is the first official project of the One Community One Goal Academic Leaders Council. It is a result of our commitment, as academic leaders, to the task set forth by The Beacon Council to build a worldclass educational system to serve as the foundation for future economic success,” said Mark B. Rosenberg, president of Florida International University and chair of the ALC.
“As Miami deepens its identity as a ‘start-up’ city, we are proud to apply an entrepreneurial mindset to addressing the issues of talent preparation and retention. Through this program, we want to guarantee that the students graduating from our institutions are the best prepared to address the needs of South Florida businesses,” he added.
The Beacon Council’s One Community One Goal efforts brought together Miami- Dade County’s educational institutions to form the Academic Leaders Council, charged with identifying strategies to build a globally competitive educational ecosystem aligned with the economic development plan. The Academic Leaders Council developed the Talent Development Network as an innovative, regional internship program, created to train and match Miami-Dade County’s current talent to the business community through starting with 200 new paid internships over the first two years.
“The One Community One Goal Talent Development Network helps create a strong connection between students and the business community and that connection is essential to our economic growth,” said Larry K. Williams, Beacon Council president and CEO. “This initiative ensures that local talent stays in our community, helps businesses fill jobs with local candidates and makes Miami-Dade County even greater.”
TDN was created to establish and grow a regional internship culture, and align academic curriculum with industry needs in South Florida, increase retention, graduation and job placement rates for students and help preserve Miami-Dade County’s intellectual capital.
“The success of One Community One Goal and TDN relies on the generous support of our community and industry partners,” said Matt Haggman, program director for The Knight Foundation and co-chair of OCOG. Nelson Lazo, CEO of Doctors Hospital and co-chair of OCOG said, “Our goal is to not only secure 200 new, paid internships, but to far surpass that number with the help of the local business community.”
The following organizations provided the initial funding for TDN: Helios Education Foundation, The Miami Foundation, Peacock Foundation, JP Morgan Chase and the Shaffer Family.
The following companies also have donated to TDN as well as providing internships: American Airlines, Baptist Health South Florida, Dosal Tobacco Corporation and the Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau.
In addition, the following companies have added their names to the list of those offering paid internships: Audrey Ross Team of EWM International Realty, C.H. Robinson Worldwide, Gibraltar Private Bank & Trust, Global Food Corp., Miami- Dade County Office of Management and Budget, New Horizons Computer Learning Center, Perry Ellis International, Pointe Group Advisors, Sherlock Talent Inc., T.D. Bank and The Conroy Martinez Group.
The Academic Leaders Council is comprised of the following: Sister Linda Bevilacqua, Barry University; Mark B. Rosenberg, president of Florida International University and chair of the ALC; Roslyn Artis, president of Florida Memorial University; Alberto Carvalho, superintendent of Miami-Dade County Public Schools; Eduardo Padrón, president of Miami Dade College; Monsignor Franklyn Casale, St. Thomas University, and Donna Shalala, president of the University of Miami.
To register your company visit www.tdnmiami.com. For more information call 305-348-3151.