La Finca Fink, built in 1938, was home to one of Coral Gables’ most important artists, Denman Fink, and his wife, Betsy. It also was the site of the recent annual meeting of the Historic Preservation Association of Coral Gables.
The architect of La Finca Fink is Marion Manley, the second female to receive an architect’s license from the State of Florida and Miami’s first female architect. The residence exemplifies Manley’s use of native building materials such as coral rock. The architectural drawings for the home constitute the most complete set of drawings for any of Manley’s residential commissions. The home was designated a local landmark in 1994.provided an enlightening history of the property, its architect, and its owners.
Guest speaker Herbert Brito provided an enlightening history of the property, its architect, and its owners. Brito holds a Master of Arts in Architecture from the University of Florida with a specialty in architectural preservation. He has been named a Design Excellence Peer in Historic Preservation and Interior Design by the U.S. General Services Administration.
After the presentation, HPACG conducted its annual meeting and elections. Members enjoyed cocktails and conversation among the 2020 Board of Directors. Returning board members include officers Karelia Martinez Carbonell, president; Brett Gillis, vice president; Mary Anne Danguillecourt, secretary; Lisa Bennett, Pat Button, Alice Goldhagen, Ann Goodman, and David Mitchell.
Highlights of the meeting celebrated the organization’s mission of “promoting the understanding and importance of historic resources and their preservation” through its educational panel, stewardship, book series, preservation projects, and fundraising events.
Renew membership or join online at www.historiccoralgables.org/join-us/
Founded in 1991, Historic Preservation Association of Coral Gables (HPACG) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit with a mission to promote the understanding and importance of historic resources and their preservation. Visit the website at www.historiccoralgables.org.