World-renowned chef Lidia Bastianich, recipient of the Food for Life Award and a key to the City of Miami, was among the renowned celebrity chefs, restaurateurs, dignitaries, authors, and food experts who participated in “America and the Old World: Food, Health and Culture,” the official pre-launch conference in celebration of the World’s Fair, Expo Milano 2015. The Expo’s theme is “Feeding the Planet: Energy for Life.”
Shutts & Bowen partner Arthur J. Furia chaired the all-day conference and luncheon on Mar. 12 at the Miami Dade College (MDC) Wolfson Campus in downtown Miami, with MDC Wolfson Campus president Jose Vicente as presiding host. The event, of which Shutts & Bowen was a sponsor, included panels and discussions about food ranging from feeding the Earth in a sustainable way to discoveries in health and nutrition.
“So many ties connect our community to Italy, and I could not think of a better location to launch the upcoming Expo,” said Furia, who also is an MDC Foundation board member and general counsel and board member of the National Italian American Foundation (NIAF), a conference sponsor.
“Hosting Lidia in receiving her award was particularly special. I know the students at MDC will treasure this experience a long time. This event was a terrific success, thanks to all our partners, sponsors, volunteers and the college team.”
Special guests at the conference included Scott Conant, celebrity chef, restaurateur, and author; Dorothy Cann Hamilton, founder and CEO of the International Culinary Center and president of the U.S. Expo Milano Pavilion; Mitchell Davis, executive vice president of the James Beard Foundation; Richard Ingraham, CEO of Chef RLI and private chef to Miami Heat’s Dwayne Wade; Maricel Presilla, chef, culinary historian and author of Gran Cocina Latina: The Food of Latin America; Tony May, renowned Italian restaurateur and author of Italian Cuisine: Basic Cooking Techniques; Alessandro Mancini, ticketing and tourism director for Expo Milano 2015; Paolo Cuccia, president/CEO of the Gambero Rosso Foundation; Eugenio Magnani, director of the Italian National Tourist Board; Dr. Sergio Peccorelli, president of the Italian Pharmaceutical Association, and Philip T. Reeker, U.S. Consul General in Milan.
Corporation for Public Broadcasting President and CEO Patricia de Stacy Harrison, who is also an NIAF board member, presented Ms. Bastianich with the Food for Life award, and Miami Mayor Tomás Regalado gave Bastianich the key to the city.