‘Finding Purpose-Turning Tragedy into Saving Lives’ is Nick Silverio’s message at Homestead Kiwanis’ 50th Good Friday Prayer Breakfast

Nick Silverio, will bring his inspirational message, ‘Finding Purpose – Turning tragedy into saving lives: One Man’s True Story About Love, Grief and Joy’ to the 50th Annual Homestead Kiwanis Good Friday Prayer Breakfast, April 18, at Harris Field Pavilion.

Nick Silverio, founder of A Safe Haven for Newborns and a tireless advocate for the defenseless newborn, will bring his inspirational story and message, ‘Finding Purpose – Turning tragedy into saving lives: One Man’s True Story About Love, Grief and Joy’ to the 50th Annual Homestead Kiwanis Good Friday Prayer Breakfast, April 18, at Harris Field Pavilion, 1034NE 8th street.

Sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Homestead-South Dade, one of South Florida’s most active community service organizations, the breakfast begins at 7 a.m. Tickets for the breakfast are a donation of $15 for adults and $5 for students.

“We are fortunate to have such a dynamic community leader such as Nick Silverio as our Prayer Breakfast speaker,” said Terri Stockwell, Kiwanis’ Prayer Breakfast chairperson.  “His message of purpose and helping the children of the world is especially important in today’s world. This provides us with an excellent opportunity to come together—as a community—in fellowship and prayer for the 50th year.”

For more information and tickets for the Prayer Breakfast contact Stockwell at (786) 572-6239 or via email, tstockwell@southstatebank.com.

For 25 years, Silverio ran a highly successful software development and consulting company with a prestigious client roster that included IBM, Caterpillar, Norwegian Cruise Lines, and Casa de Campo.

But life had other, greater plans for him.

In 1999, Silverio’s world came crashing down around him when a speeding driver took the life of his wife and the love of his life, Gloria, days before their 32nd wedding anniversary. Although they had no children themselves, they had a deep love for children and served as Godparents to 14 children.

Silvero turned what could have been a life-crushing personal tragedy into the saving the lives of precious newborns by creating the Gloria M. Silverio Foundation dba ‘A Safe Haven for Newborns’ in her memory and spirit.

On behalf of A Safe Haven for Newborns, Silverio has received the Apostolic Blessing from Pope Francis, the Florida Governors Points of Life Recognition, and most recently the Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award, the highest honor bestowed upon a citizen.

A 4th degree Knight of Columbus and Knight of St. Lazarus of Jerusalem, Silverio has been featured in People magazine, Global Heroes, and Unselfish. He has also appeared on CNN and EWTN Catholic Television as well as many TV and radio programs.

Silverio’s guiding philosophy in his ongoing efforts on behalf of newborns is based upon a quote from Mark Twain: “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.”

Visit safehaven@asafehavenfornewborns.com.  for more information on Silverios’ program.

For more information and tickets for the Prayer Breakfast, and tickets, contact Stockwell at (786) 572-6239 or via email, tstockwell@southstatebank.com

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