Full Moon Yoga continues at Deering Estate on June 26

The Full Moon Yoga Series at the Deering Estate, 16701 SW 72 Ave., provides an opportunity to enjoy the sunset and end of the day, while welcoming the full moon at one of the most beautiful settings in Palmetto Bay.

Each session will host a guest or special theme to make for a unique experience. The next session “The SoulFul Moon, Classical Hatha Yoga” is on Tuesday, June 26, from 6:30 to 7:45 p.m.

“The SoulFul Moon, Classical Hatha Yoga” with Lisa Martin invites June’s full moon to set our Soul in Movement. Take time for yourself to recharge, energize and strengthen the body, mind and spirit. This is an opportunity for transformation by manifesting your deepest desires, so you may live in alignment with your soul’s purpose. Through this classical Hatha yoga class you will enjoy a moving meditation through breathing exercises, yoga postures, and relaxation.

With 15 years of holistic practice, Martin is an E-RYT200, RYT500 certified yoga teacher; certified marma therapist (an ancient energy healing Ayurvedic practice); a master reiki practitioner (a Japanese energy healing practice); a wellness advocate for doTERRA CPTG Essential Oils, and a therapist (serving veterans of various abilities). She believes that energy is universal and through that exchange, everybody has the potential to realize their gifts. Her sadhana (yoga practice) is about teaching, chanting, healing in all things natural.

Martin is a Homestead resident, devoted mother of twins, beautiful healer. Join her, in an all levels class, as she guides your soul towards the energy of the full moon at the Deering Estate.

The cost is $15 per session. Recommended for beginning and intermediate participants, ages 16 and older. Register online or call the Deering Estate Ticket Office at 305-235-1668, ext. 233. For additional dates, and more information, visit the Deering Estate website at www.deeringestate.org.

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