A business can net you a lot of money, provided that it is something that people flock to. If you happen to reside in Miami and you want to put a startup business there, you need to know some things. There are certain requirements that you have to fulfill in order for you to even get your business up and running in the said city. But before that, why do you want to own a business there?
Simply put, Miami is just an amazing place. Here are the reasons why it is enticing to put up a venture:
• The weather is great and is conducive to everyone
• Tax rates are flexible and forgiving
• Plenty of tourists which means a lot of income
• Relatively easy to get permits
• Bustling city full of people
Now that you know why the place is great, how do you build a startup there? Read on to find out!
1. Get the Necessary Permits
Before you decide to build your place of operations, you need to acquire the necessary permits. In Miami, here are the things that you will need:
- Secure a Zoning Permit. Before your building gets built, you will need a zoning permit. Before you can get one, qualified personnel will inspect the area where you’re going to build to see if it is okay. After you’ve passed, you will be able to get the said permit.
- Pass Environmental Considerations. The city is very strict when it comes to environmental considerations. Basically, if your business doesn’t ruin the overall allure of the state and it doesn’t affect the environment in a negative way, you can pass the test and get the permit.
- Obtain a Tax Receipt. Another necessary requirement is the Local Business Tax Receipt. Formerly known as the Occupational License, this is required by the city and must, therefore, be obtained if you want to start a business.
- Register Your Name. If you happen to use another name for your business other than your original name, then you will have to register it with the Department of State.
- Register with the IRS
- Secure a License. Depending on the niche of your business, you have to get a license from the Department of Business and Professional Regulation.
2. Find the Capital
Once you’re done with the requirements above, you’re pretty much on your way to setting up your business up and running. But, with just about any venture, you will need to have the capital. Of course, owning a startup can be very costly.
Before even thinking of putting up a business, make sure that you have all of the resources available. If money is a bit tight, but you still want to push through, I highly recommend getting yourself a cash advance. At least it can give you a financial boost even by just a bit.
3. Market It
Even if you have a great business idea, it will not go the right way if you do not know how to market it. Essentially, marketing your venture the right way is already winning 50% of the battle. Now, there are plenty of ways you can do it. Here are just some suggestions:
- Use Social Media. Social media is slowly becoming a great business platform mainly because a lot of people are using it. Have someone operate your official page so that people who have inquiries can address their concerns using the platform.
- Information Drive. Leaflets and flyers are also a great way to let the people in Miami know that your business is there.
- Word of Mouth. Lastly, spread the word. If you have influential friends, let them know and have them spread the news.
4. Additional Resources
If you’re new in the field and you want it to grow, there are additional resources that can help you. Here are just a few:
- Neighbors and Neighbors Association provides services and technical assistance, especially for startups.
- Miami-Dade County Department of Small Business Development– provides necessary help for people who want to start a small venture in the place.
- Score Miami Business Plan Consulting offers workshops and they also give advice for free.
Miami is a business haven. It has loads of tourists, attractions, and people which all add to the value of the city. If you’d like to create a startup, be sure to comply with everything and do not worry.